Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011



Organizational behavior research aims to study how it should conduct an individual level, group level, as well as its impact on performance (individual performance, group, or organization) with the discipline. And is also known as the study of the organization. This study is a specific academic field of study that studied the organization, by utilizing the methods of economics, sociology, political science, anthropology and psychology. Other disciplines associated with this study are the study of human resources and industrial psychology and organizational behavior.

The theory or science of organizational behavior (organization behavior) is essentially based on behavioral science studies itself (the roots of psychology), which was developed with the focus on human behavior in organizations. Thus, the basic framework of organizational behavior theory is supported by two main components, namely individuals who behave and formal organization as a container of such behavior.


As with all social sciences, organizational behavior seeks to control, predict, and explain. But there is some controversy regarding the effect of focusing attention on the ethical behavior of workers. Therefore, organizational behavior (and the adjacent study, namely industrial psychology) are sometimes accused of having a scientific tool for the ruling party. Regardless of the allegations, Organizational Behavior can play an important role in the development and success of the organization of work.

       Although these studies and experts trace its roots previously, the study is usually considered a new organization started as an academic discipline along with the emergence of scientific management in the 1890s, with Taylorism representing the peak of this movement. The leaders of scientific management believes that the rationalization of the organization with a series of instruction and study of the motion-time will lead to increased productivity. The study of various compensation systems were carried out.

    After World War I, the focus of organizational studies shifted to analysis of how human factors and psychology affected organizations. This is a transformation that is driven by the discovery - the discovery. Human relations movement is more centered on the team, motivation, and the actualization of the goals of individuals in the organization.

    World War II produced further shifts of this field, when the discovery of large-scale logistics and operations research led to the emergence of new interest to the system and rationalistic approaches to the study of the organization.

      In the 1960s and 1970s, the field is greatly influenced by social and psychological pressures in academic studies focused on quantitative research. Since the 1980s, cultural explanations of organizations and change became an important part of this study. Qualitative methods in this study became more acceptable, by utilizing approaches from anthropology, psychology and sociology. Organizational behavior is now a growing field of study. Majoring in organizational studies generally located in business schools, although many universities also have a program of industrial psychology and industrial economy as well.

     This field is highly influential in the business world with practitioners who transform academic research into business practices. Organizational behavior becomes increasingly important in the global economy when people with different backgrounds and cultural values ​​must work together effectively and efficiently. But this area is also increasingly criticized as a field of study its assumptions are ethnocentric and pro-capitalist (see Critical Management Studies).


Oneof the major breakthroughs in the complex world view is systems theory. Application of this theory is known as systems analysis. One of the tools systems analysis is systems thinking. In layman, think the system is a how to help someone see the world - including organizations - from the perspective broad including the structure, pattern and action compared to see action specifically. Broad perspective to help identify issues that fundamental and most surefire way to know it.


      Overall behavior of the system depends on the overall structure is not the sum of its parts. Any structure determines behavior, and in turn determines the range of activities. Often, we only see and respond to actions. Here’s an action reactionary. We forget the schemes are greater. Often in an organization, we think the system can be divisive and only respond to the parts in the system or sorting out the parts of a topic. Systems theory reminds us when you chop up an elephant, then you do not get a bunch of small elephants. The system has a maximum limit. When we try to create a larger system, then the system would break away to reach a new stability. Too often in the organization, we always try to grow and grow - until the system boundary. At this point, we are again just to see action, not the behavior, habits or structures that influence it. So we are only thinking short term and are always creating new problems. Another feature of the system tends to seek balance in their environment. Systems that do not interact with their environment tend to quickly reach its limits as feedback from clients or customers.

    Circular relation between the whole system of life and its parts. Consider organizations are usually always have the same problem and keep repeating. Problem is always a circle in the organization. And in turn, members of the organization can identify repeating patterns found but could not find the cycle itself. If we can find cycles and circular, we can perform a systemic intervention.


      As discussed earlier, that the understanding of the organization is a group of people who have similar goals. The goal is the result of the form of goods, services, money, knowledge, and others - others. While the understanding of human social is associated with the community and its members (quoted from W3dictionary). Thus the social system are the people in the community is considered as a system composed by the characteristics of a pattern of relationships in which the system is working to fulfill his desire. Some things that describe the organization as a social system, among others, in the presence of social organizations and social organizations.

     Organizational behavior is the study and application of knowledge about how
people act in the organization. Thus in relation to the organization as a social system the study of organizational behavior covers various aspects such as: public, business, social, etc.. For example PSSI (All Indonesia Football Association) as an organization engaged in the sport of football, not only in one aspect of the study that is football. Fields - other fields should also be assessed to advance organization and promoting football Indonesia achieve its objectives. Aspects that are reviewed among other aspects of business, public, etc.. You may ask, "What does football with business ". In the present-day sport, particularly football has nothing to do with business aspects of television broadcasting rights for example, advertising sponsors who can generate income. Then what to do with the social? In the aspect of business, the community is the market. While in the field of sport is a factor supporting the community where
society itself is part of the social.

    Based on the above example, we know that almost all the work done in the social sphere. Similarly with the organization, the organization will go well if diatur with a good system so that the coverage of social work therein can be appropriate standard that is set in a system. Social coverage in question is work, communication and coordination is carried out within the organization to achieve a common goal.

Organizational factors, among others factors (according to John Willey)
- Human
- The technology used
- Task / work
- Organisational culture

 Humans are one important factor in the organization. The man himselfis a social creature. And in human organizations do not work alone, then human communication and coordination in the work. Thus the aspect can not be separated from social organizations. And can also often be said that the social system It is also the organization and vice versa.


A. The nature and purpose of the organization and methods

     Before discussing what is included within the scope of the organization method, we will discuss what the nature and purpose of the organization methods. Because the scope of the organization regarding the efficiency of the method will layout procedures the way work is used in carrying out management functions. Whereas understanding the organization and methods, between the management, organization, and procedure work is a unity that can not be separated, meaning that if the ordinance work is efficient then the implementation of activities diharapkan functions management within the organization will run smoothly. So in this case the nature and
method is meant organization and administration services to managers who tried to advance the work procedures for the achievement dipergunakan maximum efficiency in the organization.

B. Understanding efficient

    Efficient inverse or rationality is the comparison between the results ata obtained outputs with the activities undertaken and the resources and time which will be used. If formulated: Efficient = output input

    Must be considered truly efficient because it is a requirement and purpose on the implementation of the work, so the organization and methods as an aid in technical and practical to implement management functions can take advantage sources available to the fullest.

Terms of achieving efficient in organization and methods are:
• Achievement of targets should be effective, meaning the target in accordance with time has been on the set, but the quality of the work shall also be be noted.
• Economical means of achieving effective (effective) use of resources (cost, labor, materials, equipment, and time) are used as precise to be exact.
• Implementation of the work can be justified.
• It should really reflect the real division of labor because of the the limited ability of individuals.
• Rationality of authority and responsibility, meaning between the authority and obligation must be balanced.
• work procedures that are practical, workable and enforceable. This is to reflect that the organization and method is a practical activity then the target is an effective and economical implementation of the work can be accountable, as well as outstanding service.

How to increase work efficiency:
1. Implementation of appropriate management functions
2. Utilization of appropriate economic resources
3. Implementation of the organization functions as a means of achievement goals as precisely as to be exact.
4. Direction and dynamics of the organization conducted for the development and continuous improvement.

    By looking at the purpose and nature of the organization and methods are service for managers and addministrasi in performing management functions the organization and methods are technical and practical assistance in implementation of organizational theory and management theory as exactly as precise. Then from the nature and purpose of the organization and methods can be understood space scope are matters relating to specific fields of organizational and management of its detail and broad scope.

Activities into the scope of activities including the organization and methods are:
1. Analysis of the organization (organization analysis)
2. Communication within the organization (communication in the organization)
3. The procedure of work, work procedures and systems of work (work methods, procedures and
4. The importance of filing in terms of organization and methods
5. The importance of data storage period and document (records retention and schedule)
6. The importance of form in terms of organization and methods
7. Administrative office machinery (office machines)
8. Administrative furniture and office equipment (office equipment)
9. The importance of office layout and space planning preparation work (ofiice layout and space planning)
10. The importance of writing in organization and methods
11. The importance of manual labor
12. The importance of organization and methods of budget
13. Analysis of staffing
14. The importance of work simplification
15. Organizational units within the organization and methods
16. Final conclusion (final conclusion)

      In accordance with perinsip perinsip in the organization and method of the The discussion in these fields will be emphasis on discussion about systems, procedures and how it works in conjunction with the principle efficiency. Therefore the systems, procedures and proper work procedures will allow the implementation of management functions are performed top managers are also appropriate and efficient use of resources resources (natural, humans) and use the time available.


     Thus, organizational behavior is a study concerning aspects of human behavior within an organization or a group of first tertentu.Aspek include the influence of the organization of the human being a second aspect of human influence on the organization. This notion that the behavior of organizations in which there danhubungan interaction between organizations on the one hand and the behavior of individuals in lainpihak. All this has a practical purpose is to guide human behavior to the efforts of goal achievement.

Kehilangan salah satu orang yang kita sayang ternyata amat perih rasanya, gak cuma itu hari-hari pun sangat berbeda. Senyumnya, tutur katanya, tingkah lakunya, dan semua yang sering kita lihat ketika beliau masih ada tak mungkin terhapuskan di memori kehidupan kita. Mungkin aku gak pernah terfikir akan kehilangan Ayah yang amat tercinta begitu cepatnya, sesosok Ayah yang sangat sederhana mungkin bisa dikatakan Ayah tidak minta lebih ataupun menuntut banyak dari apa yang kita miliki. Cita-cita beliau hanya ingin melihat buah hatinya tidak mengalami penderitan beliau ketika berjuang menjalani kehidupan tanpa memiliki apa-apa. Ayah selalu berpesan untuk terus berusaha dan jangan pernah menyerah untuk mencapai kesuksesan apalagi tergantung sama orang lain sekalipun saudara kita. Beliau juga berkata untuk tidak membiasakan kita meminjam ataupun meminta dari seseorang, manfaatkan apa yang kita miliki lebih baik, yang penting kita diberikan kesehatan oleh Allah swt untuk ibadah itu sudah cukup bahagia kata beliau. Hari demi hari terus berlalu, seakan selalu teringat kepada Ayah. Mungkin rasa kangen seorang anak kepeda orang yang disayanginya tidak cukup dengan hanya memikirkannya saja. Melainkan dengan perbuatan yang bisa membuat beliau tersenyum di alam sana ketika melihat buah hatinya menjadi anak yang Shaleh dan Shaleha sesuai keinginnannya.
Ayah, aku ingin bangat ayah melihat apa yang kita lakukan bersama terulang kembali. Tapi semua keinginan itu hanya angan-angan semata. Air mataku tidak sengaja aku jatuhkan ketika mengingatnya, Mungkin karena kasih dan sayang beliau yang sangat aku rasakan sehingga aku meneteskan air mata ketika mengingatnya. Sekarang yang aku punya dalam hidup ini sangat aku jaga dan sayangi, mereka selalu membuat aku tersenyum. Ibu, Kaka, dan Adikku selalu mengisi kesibukan aku dalam menjalani keseharian. Tak kenal rasa lelah ketika aku bersama kalian. Aku berharap agar bisa terus bersama kalian, dan aku tidak mau melihat kalian merasakan kesedihan yang aku rasakan. Tak seorang pun yang boleh menyakiti kalian, aku  siap di Barisan depan untuk menjaga kalian dari semua hal yang bisa membuat kalian bersedih. Mungkin aku pikir bahwa aku yang harus menggantikan Ayah. Aku adalah anak laki-laki tunggal dalam keluarga ini, sekalipun aku masih duduk di bangku kuliah, namun hal itu tak menjadikan penghalang untuk berbuat sesuatu untuk keluargaku. Seandainya Ayah masih ada, mungkin kebahagian keluarga aku akan semakin bertambah dengan kehadirannya.
Ayah, semoga Allah swt selalu senantiasa memberikan RahmatNya untuk Ayah, agar ayah di terima di sisiNya dan selalu tersenyum melihat keluarganya...Amien.

Nanda Tuk Bunda
bagaimana kabar bunda hari ini ?
semoga bunda baik-baik saja, nanda disini juga baik-baik saja
bunda, allah sayang banget sama nanda disini, Allah juga menyuruh nanda tuk menulis surat ini untuk bunda.
bunda, ingin sekali menyapa perumpuan yang merelakan rahimnya untuk nanda tempati walau hanya sesaat.
bunda, sebenarnya nanda ingin sekali lebih lama lagi tinggal dirahim bunda.
diruang yang kata Allah paling kokoh dan paling aman didunia.
tapi rupanya bunda tidak megharapkan kehadiran nanda.
jadi, sebagai anak yang baik nanda rela menukarkan kehidupan nanda demi kebahagian bunda.
walaupun bunda dulu meenghancurkan nanda amat sakit rasanya.
badan nanda seperti tercabik-cabik dan keluar sebagai gumpalan darah, yang menjijikan dan hati nanda sangatlah nyeri.
seperti aib yang tak dihargai dan tidak diinginkan tapi nanda tidak kecewa kok..??
karena, dengan begitu bunda telah mengantarkan nanda tuk bertemu, dijaga serta dirawat oleh Allah disurganya.
bunda, ada yang ingin nanda ceritakan sama bunda,,
nanda pernah menangis dan bertanya kepada Allah
nanda : yaa,, Allah mengapa bunda melenyapkan nanda disaat nanda berupa wujud yang belum sempurna.
dan membiarkan sendirian disini..??
"apa bunda tidak sayang kepada nanda,,?? atau bunda tidak mau direpotkan sama nanda...?".
Allah : bunda kamu malu sayang,,,!!
nanda : kenapa bunda malu yaa Allah,,??
Allah : karena kamu dilahirkan sebagai anak haram,,walau sebenarnya kamu bukan anak haram 
nanda : anak haram itu pa ya allah...?
Allah : adalah anak yang dilahirkan tanpa ayah
nanda : ???!!??
 tapi bukannya setiap anak itu memiliki ayah, kecuali Nabi Adam a.s dan Nabi Isa a.s..??
maka allah yang maha tahu pun menjawab, bahwa bunda memproses nanda bukan karna ikatan pernikahan yang sah dan Allah ridhoi. .
maka nanda pun mengerti,
bunda suatu hari malaikat pernah mengajak nanda ketempat yang bernama neraka.
tempat itu sangat mengerikan jauh berbeda dengan tempat tinggal nanda disurga.
dineraka banyak orang dibakar memakai api bunda,minumnya juda memakai nanah, dan makanannya juga buah-buahan yang aneh yang banyak durinya,
dan yang paling parah ada wanita yang ditusuk dan dibakar, seperti sate yang dibakar.
dan perlu bunda ketahui waktu nanda melihat hal yang mngerikan itu tiba-tiba malaikat berkata " nak, jika bunda dan ayahmu tidak bertaubat kelak disitulah tempatnya, dan disitulah tempat orang yang berzinah dan akan tinggal serta disiksa selamanya.
ketika itu nanda menangis dan berteriak memohon agar ayah dan bunda tidak dimasukan kedalam neraka.
nada sayang bunda, dan kangen dan ingin bertemu dengan bunda dan nanda ingin kita tinggal bersama disurga.
karena nandatidak ingin bunda kesakitan seperti orang - orang yang menghuni neraka itu.
lalu dengan lembut malaikat itu berkata " nak, kata Allah kalau kamu sayang dan ingin bertemu serta ingin ayah dan bunda mu tinggal disurga, tulislah surat untuk mereka sampaikan berita baik bahwa kamu sudah tinggal disurga dan ingin mereka ikut,
ajaklah mereka betaubat dan juga sampaikan berita buruk bahwa jika mereka tidak bertaubat maka mereka akan disiksa seperti itu di neraka.
" dan disaat mendengar itu nanda langsung menulis sepucuk surat untuk bunda dan sekaligus melepas rindu tuk bunda ".
bunda,,menurut nanda Allah itu sangatlah baik sekali, bayangkan bunda Allah akan memaafkan semua mahluknya asal mereka mau bertaubat dan menyesali semua perbuatannya.
bunda taubatlah sekarang dan ajaklah ayah juga...!! agar kita bisa berkumpul bersama di Surganya Allah.
nanti nanda menjemput ayah dan bunda dipadang Mahsyar,,
nanda berjanji akan membawakan payung serta minuman buat ayah dan bunda,karena di padang Mahsyar sangatlah panas sekali dan semua orang berkumpul sejak jaman Nabi Adam a.s hingga seluruh umatnya Nabi Muhammad S.A.W .
tapi bunda jangan khawatir Allah berjanji walaupun ramai jika ayah dan bunda benar-benar bertaubat dan menjadi seorang yang baik pasti nanda bisa bertemu dengan ayah dan bunda.
bunda, kasih kesempatan nanda agar bisa bertemu dan berbakti kepada kalian berdua, dan nanda memohon sekali kepada bunda, jangan sampai adik nanda mengalami nasib yang sama seperti nanda.
biarlah hanya nanda saja yang merasakan sakit dan perihnya disia-siakan seperti ini.
tolong yaa bunda,, berikan kesempatan kepada adik-adik nanda hidup didunia untuk menemani dan merawat ayah dan bunda disaat hari tua.
dan yang terakhir nanda berharap semoga ayah dan bunda menjadi orang yang terbaik tuk adik-adik nanda,, aminn,,
,,, nanda sayang bunda ,,,